
Showing posts from October, 2010

Thank You Pancake City

Kirksville Web Design would like to thank Pancake City and Chuck Lewellen for their promotion of their website and patronage.  We appreciate the opportunity to serve a Kirksville institution.  Please give Pancake City a visit at .  We look forward to many years of collaboration. Like Pancake City, give Kirksville Web Design a try, we all always improving our methods and our marketing.  Receive a free draft for your website.  Become a patron to a local creative business.  Thanks for reading.

Accepting New Clients

Kirksville Web Design is happy to be taking on new clients as soon as possible.  We would like to see 'every business with a website' but we understand the economy may be dragging along.  However, advertising is still an essential investment of any business.  Make wise use our your marketing dollars, especially this shopping season. Newspapers, magazines, print, it is all going out of style.  Circulate your message, your product, online.  So whether you're a business owner in St. Louis, a non-profit in Columbia, a new restaurant in Kansas City, explore advertising 2.0.  Give us a call or e-mail We're flexible, affordable, negotiable. Thank you for reading, spread the word. 

New Commission - Downtown Grocery Store

Steve Salt of the Near & Far Downtown Grocery Store has discussed with us the possibility of a website and we have begun building for him, from scratch, something impressive.  Although not apt to release the website here and today, it is something we are excited to announce.  At Kirksville Web Design, we've been dabbling to creating animations that make our sites stand out and seem less static.  We're proud to develop and change to fit what our customers need in web design.  We guarantee a fun website.  Keep posted.

New Website -

We have recently finished a new website for a financial consultant out of St. Louis.  Michael Martin contacted me with a summary of his new business and a drive to market himself online.  Treading on some new ground, Mike wanted to sell a credit manual.  We used Google Checkout to create a easy way to buy.  It is a great opportunity to work with a business of out St. Louis and to help another small business get on the radar. Any other law firms, financial consultants, professional in need of a custom website?  Taking on clients since this project is all wrapped up.  Visit Thank you for your business to Kirksville Web Design!