Updated Google Sites Roadmap - 5 Things You Need to Know
This post is a little belated, but nonetheless important. The updated Google Sites roadmap presented on the G Suite Updates blog presents 5 items we need to discuss. Let's dive in. https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2019/01/google-sites-improvements-new-roadmap.html 1. Classic Google Sites will go down - This action is slated for late 2021. 2. Enterprise Features coming soon - The slow pace of Google Sites upgrades and feature roll-outs has been a concern. However, all your old favorites and some new plug-ins will likely come our way. The Table of Contents gadget has already been rolled out as promised. https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2019/02/table-of-contents-sites.html 3. More Design Control - A big complaint was the simplicity of New Sites. This is being addressed and fine-tuning your Google Sites theme will be forthcoming. 4. Better Back End Support - The infrastructure to build large intranets is being improved, edit and publishing help, including back up