
Showing posts from November, 2011

Web Designer Font Favorite - Mangosteen

Mangosteen A serif font from , Download Mangosteen Sort of gives you the feel of the classic Copperplate Gothic, but provides a higher, thinner rendition. A beautiful free font that can stand on it own typographically. This is a nice gem of a font - take a look on how we used it below. A nice final product using Mangosteen from Here is How We Made this Graphic It's not hard to make this graphic look pretty cool. We picked a vibrant orange, #ff6600, being mangosteen and all.  We didn't kern this font at all, it is nicely uniformly spaced. Duplicated the main text. Converted the Object to a Path (this transforms it into a vector image rather than a text object) Changed to #fff white. Dynamic Offset allows you to grow the text image. Duplicated the main text and changed color to #000, black and toggled opacity to 8.8% almost transparent really. Clicked twice on the now gray text to slant the text left to right and maneuvered to crea

New Update - Admin Settings for Sites

Summary This small but important update provides Google Apps administrators more control on the creation and visibility of Google Sites made within the Google Apps account. So, no, this won't have an effect on regular Google accounts Sites. Users either can or cannot make Sites (that includes admins). Sites are either defaulted accessible within the organization or private. More Admin Control means More Options - Check Google Apps Settings for Google Sites Uses of Site Visibility Default Option For users with sensitive information, making Google Sites private by default can be a relief. That way your information is private until you share it. Uses of Site Creation Option Administrators can create a company intranet Google Site and disable the ability to create more Google Sites. The change in creating Google Sites will not delete previously made websites or the right to access them. Therefore all information can be consolidated onto one Google Site. Google Site

Bug Report: Mobile Devices and JPG Rendering

I had a client come to me with a problem, which rarely happens. I make it a business policy to fix technical mistakes at no charge. Technical difficulties reflect badly on both the web design and the client, so I try to resolve them as quickly as possible. The Bug Some mobile devices, notably iOS devices, will scale the wrapper background image if it is in the file format .JPG .JPEG The Effect I was quite perplexed with this problem, so I do what all the best engineers do - troubleshoot. As you can see the teal banner that created a wonderful backdrop for my horizontal navigation bar, was shoved up and scaled down. Look for similar effect to your wrapper background image. This ruined the navigation for mobile visitors to this website. The text was virtually invisible against the brown noisy background. The Horizontal Navigation Bar is missed - ack! iPhone users will hate me and iPad users too. The Solution Change your Wrapper Background Image from a JPG / JPEG into a .PN