
Showing posts from February, 2014

Google Sites Partnership: Appirio & Kirksville Web Design

Interviewer: +Kyle Horst , Owner, Kirksville Web Design Interviewee: +David Spangler , Google Apps Solutions Architect, Appirio How is Appirio offering Google Sites? Appirio has partnered with Kirksville Web Design for a number of Google Sites projects, ranging from Corporate Intranet design to POC (Proof of Concept) demo sites. In addition, we’ve been working on solutions to assist customers with moving away from heavy, premised-based intranet systems (like SharePoint) by leveraging the Google Enterprise suite focused on a combination of Google Sites and Google Drive capabilities. The designers at Kirksville Web Design are able to deliver an exciting product that fits within the frameworks of Google Sites. Can you describe some of your Sites projects? What were the results? In our work with a large, multi-national pharmaceutical organization, we partnered with Kirksville to provide a revamp of their Google Apps launch site. The site was a rebuild/rethink away from their le...

Talk to the Google Sites Team

Hello Everyone. This is just a quick reminder of the importance of user feedback and input on surveys. If you have a suggestion, concern or gripe with Google Sites, the "Take our survey!" option is the best way you've got to do so. It's your way to talk to the Google Sites team. Therefore, please take the survey. Suggest something amazing like adding a tagging system to Google Sites, more usable themes or viewer commenting / login function. I'm not sure if this link will work for long or for everyone, but here's a shot: Click on this image to take a survey now. Thanks!

New Google Sites Update - Copy Page, Open Nav Link in New Tab

Hello Everybody!  +Kyle Horst  here with a great new set of updates to Google Sites. 2014 won't be the year Sites is left in the lurch. So let's cover these two new features. 1. Copy Page Creating a Page Template using the "Save as Page Template" feature was alright, but Copy Page makes the process that much easier and less of an investment. Copying a page is right in the More dropdown menu next to Move Page and Print Page. 2. Open Navigation Link in a New Window The navigation gadget received an upgrade with the new "open this link in a new window" checkbox option. It is part of the Add URL (not add page) option in the configure navigation windows. This is great for opening external website in a new tab or window, since you don't always want visitor to navigate away from your site. Great for intranet usage! That wraps this episode up of Google Sites' new features. Let me know if I missed anything of course. Thanks!