
Showing posts from April, 2019

Future of Google Sites - 9 New Updates

Here are some of the key take aways from the Google Next 2019 Session on Google Sites: Site Migration - We can expect incremental improvement to the migration tool as new features become available. Image Carousel / Slideshow - It seems like they are poised to release this feature, which many have clamored for. It is an in-page gadget and looks to be paginated with buttons. We didn't see arrows or the settings menu. Cloud Search - Presumably coming soon, this search bar was added in the content area, but can go anywhere on the site. It searches Drive, Sites, and even Gmail! Use Cases - The Google Sites team will focus most on intranets and corporate team sites. It should be optimized for enterprise. New Dashboards - We saw both a sneak peak of the unified Sites dashboard and an admin dashboard for Classic Sites usage, which will help them evaluate which Sites to migrate. Style Customization - Text customization, better brandin...

Google Next 2019 Breakout Session - Future of Google Sites

Looking forward to this session: Websites are a vital tool for sharing information within and across teams. We’ve spent the past 6 months talking to customers and determining what comes next for Google Sites. Join us as we give an inside look into how we plan to meet our most demanding customer needs with exciting new features. Whether you have never built a site before, you’re an experienced classic Sites user, or you’re Sites’ biggest fan - you’ll walk away with a better understanding of how Sites can be useful to your organization now and in the future.