An Deeper Look at Recent Google Sites Updates
Google has been rolling out some nice updates to Google Sites and while everyone is "a-twitter" about mobile render of Google Sites there's also some lesser recognized updates. 1. Google Promotes Adsense Usage with Google Sites I found out this little button appeared on my drop-down bar for More Actions and basically I've been accidentally clicking it instead of Manage Site (Picture 1). Anyways, let's explore this. Click the button and you taken to a redesigned Adsense page just for Google Sites. Google is encouraging Google Sites designers to use Adsense. Obviously intranet / project management Sites are not intended to be breeding grounds for Ads, therefore Google is implying that public Google Sites should be using their Ads. If Google wants to make money, it stands to reason that they want to make Google Sites better for web designers. My conclusion? Google Sites will continue to improve as a platform for public websites. Our first evidence of this is