
Showing posts from June, 2014

New Google Sites - Analytics, Responsive Menu, Headings and more

Intro I'm still testing out these Google Sites updates. However, in the interest of keeping you all informed on the current build of Google Sites, I am posting the updates for you now. Improved accessibility, editing and ease of use in Google Sites Several accessibility improvements have been made to Google Sites, ranging from new keyboard shortcuts for editors (like Alt+Shift+F for opening the editor toolbar) to better viewing experiences for readers. Editors can now also set image width to 100% of the screen width and easily customize the font, color, and size of lower-level headers (H2, H3, and H4 tags).* Source: Enhanced integration between Google Sites and other products Today we launched several features aimed at improving integration between Google Sites and other products. When sharing on social media sites, Google Sites now will showcase images in posts. You’ll see this cha...

Google Sites Viewer Comments System

Introduction Google Sites commenting has been a nice feature since it started using a Google Plus type format. The commenting feature, however, was restricted to Google Site owners and editors. It was a feature for viewers to use and for more general comments to be given. This, in effect, made it an awkward feature since the purpose was muddled. Anyways, people developed work arounds using Disqus and other Google Apps Script solutions. Now, let me introduce new and improved viewer commenting capability. Please note, viewer commenting does not mean public  commenting. It is still the case the you cannot enable commenting for the random visitor to leave a comment on your page (leave that to your blog). Please note, this feature is only available for Google Apps customers. Enabling Viewer Commenting As a Google Apps administrator, you can allow authenticated viewers in your domain to comment on your Google Apps Sites to make your sites more social. Viewer commenting is ...

Google Gooru Admin Training Week

I wanted to make sure I personally invited you to this round of Admin Training Week. I also wanted to let you know that this Admin Training Week will be very different than the last one: 9 presentations (3 more than last time) All new topics (no overlap from last time) Roundtable discussion with real Google Apps Admins Of course, there will still be some awesome freebies like last time (free t-shirt, eBook, sponsor offers), along with 9 different drawings for a Nexus 7! So, if you have time in your calendar on the 17th, 18th and 19th, it would be great to have you again for the next Admin Training Week. Register Here Hope to see you there!