Google Sites News - Share Settings

Google Sites, and really Google Apps, has been improved in terms of making it easier to share your website.  The share settings used to be part of the Manage Site contents, but now it has been moved to the More Options drop down menu next to Create and Edit Page.

Sharing has never been something I've used very much.  I always make my sites public and I limit collaborator privileges (call me a control freak).  Nevertheless, it is always great to be able to do something more easily.  Google Sites sharing is now similar to that in other Google Apps like Google Docs.

Remember your options:
  • Anyone can see your site (public) *will be indexed eventually and then not very well
  • Only those with a link can see your site (semi-private) *will not be indexed
  • Only those given permission can see your site (mostly-private) *will not be indexed
For Google's post on website sharing see


    1. Its wonderful Blog. Search engine optimization provides a process of ensuring that a site is accessible to a search engine and has a chance of being found by the search engine, by improving the volume and quality of traffic to a website from search engines via algorithmic search results.

    2. Definitely true Samual. I look forward to posting more on my SEO tactics for Google Sites.

      Thank you for the comment and the visit.


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