New Fonts!

Google Sites now supports hundreds of Google Webfonts for your website. This is a wonderful change to see, though perhaps not the most requested. However, this proves that Google Sites is still on the radar of Google and that they care about customization and indeed the overall aesthetic of their product application.

A big thanks to Google for translating recent Blogger changes to their Google Sites platform, enjoy the news below!

Google Sites brings you over 100 new web fonts

Ever wanted to make your Google site feel even more unique? Today, we added a wide variety of Google Web Fonts to Google Sites, making it easier to style your website and make it look awesome.

Now you can go to Manage Site under More Actions and choose Color and Fonts in the left-hand navigation to choose fonts for the entire site in one go. The web fonts feature lets you select different sections of the site such as the entire page or just the title to selectively choose your styling. Additionally, we've given you control over font sizes for many of these sections.

Take a look at a site that uses multiple web fonts:

We’re looking forward to seeing the sites you create with these beautiful new fonts.


  1. I have my company websites and all Internet communication service hosted on Google Apps. But I could not find in the section where I am supposed to have access to those Google Web Fonts. Have they rolled out to all customers or is that specifically for Business customers? I believe Google don't discriminates Business and Free users in this respect. Am I missing something?

  2. might have to look in to this i have never used the google sites service before


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