Chat To Customers Whilst They Are On Your Website!

Happy Wednesday Everyone,
Beckystar here from Web Princess in England.
Wouldn't it be great customer service if your customers could talk to your whilst they are browsing your google site?
How? I hear you ask . . .

It's simple, just Create A Google Talk Chatback Badge!
1) Do you have a gtalk account? For those who do not have one set one up
2) Visit Google Talk Chatback Badge and get the html code for your account
TIP! It helps to already be signed into your google talk account in the background
3) Once you have your code copied to your clip board sign into your google site, navigate to the page where you want to show you are available for chat.

4) Click on edit > insert > more gadgets > in the search bar type code wrapper, select code wrapper which is 4th on the list > paste in your code from the google talk badge page > change the width of the gadget to 200 pixels and the height to 60 pixels > untick the title box and border box

5) Click ok!

6) Chat, chat, chat!!!

Let me know how you get on.....

This it what the chat client will look like
once you have engaged in conversation


  1. Great article with brilliant idea! I like your post. I have no words for this great post such a awe-some information i got gathered. Thanks to Author.


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