Web Designer Font Favorite - Mangosteen


A serif font from Dafont.com, Download Mangosteen

Sort of gives you the feel of the classic Copperplate Gothic, but provides a higher, thinner rendition. A beautiful free font that can stand on it own typographically. This is a nice gem of a font - take a look on how we used it below.

A nice final product using Mangosteen from Dafont.com

Here is How We Made this Graphic

It's not hard to make this graphic look pretty cool.

  1. We picked a vibrant orange, #ff6600, being mangosteen and all. 
  2. We didn't kern this font at all, it is nicely uniformly spaced.
  3. Duplicated the main text. Converted the Object to a Path (this transforms it into a vector image rather than a text object)
  4. Changed to #fff white.
  5. Dynamic Offset allows you to grow the text image.
  6. Duplicated the main text and changed color to #000, black and toggled opacity to 8.8% almost transparent really.
  7. Clicked twice on the now gray text to slant the text left to right and maneuvered to create the shadow.
Have fun with Mangosteen


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have used Mangosteen font as well from couple of my web design norwich projects. I think the font looks really attractive and fun.

  3. There is no doubt that in terms of marketing, digital marketing has been stronger than the traditional marketing nowadays. When it comes to the selection of the right digital marketing medium, the internet stands out as the cheapest and most effective option.

  4. These are perfect fonts for my Calgary web design projects. I'm so excited to use these fonts now. Anyway, I look forward to seeing more font styles and designs soon.

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  6. The favourite fonts has been described in the article. The post has been giving useful information


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