Go Google Sites with Kirksville Web Design

In honor of gogooglesites.kirksvillewebdesign.com going live earlier today, here is a free rendering of the Google Sites icon.

Promote Google Sites with this nice icon.

Visit the new website

Let's take a look at the new site!

Make it easy for people to share your website. 

Use the +1 button in Insert... and the Tweet button from Insert > More Gadgets... > Featured

What's that ???

Create the visual tension to learn more

What's that icon? I've gone Google, what's his point? Encourage the visitor to scroll down.


  1. Interesting information I haven’t been through such information in a long time.
    web design

  2. You guys make it really easy for all the folks out there.
    web design

  3. Are you ready for the new change in Google guyz?Custom Logo Design|

  4. Now this is some offer. Anyone who has tried this already?


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