Hey, I'm Web Princess aka Beckystar and welcome to my first blog, thank you Kyle for having me! Using social media buttons to share your site or content is easy and expected by your visitors. Social buttons or icons facilitate the sharing of your site, content or blog and are now a linchpin of social media. It’s not enough to simply produce content these days. Your fans (hooray for them!) want a gizmo (I prefer gizmo to gadget) in place to allow them to share what they have read or seen with their family, friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter etc. Lucky for us there are some great tools out there. Next I have featured my top 3. 1. AddThis is my favourite. All you have to do is join, and it's free! However it does not work on google sites. All is not lost as good news! The amazing guys at AddThis have provided us with a google sites gadget. Go to your site, hit edit page and place your cursor where you want your social media buttons. Click on insert then more gadgets, in
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